What our clients are saying
I had trouble with my 16mth old and her sleeping, especially at night. I saw Sharon and she helped with setting up a routine and tips on settling. We put them into practice straight away and we are up to day 6 and baby has slept right through for three nights now!! So happy with the outcome!

“Hopeless is the only word I can use to describe when I called Sharon asking for her help. After two resid
Sharon is absolutely amazing, we are the parents of 1-year-old triplets and when we rang Sharon for help they were 8 months old they were not going to bed until 10 pm waking all through the night wanting to be patted and cuddled to sleep, we couldn’t even sit as a family at dinner time with our other children as the babies were so overtired and it was such a long process just to get them to bed, We had tried Tresillian and that experience was unsuccessful for us, after waking one morning of only receiving 1 hour 20 minutes sleep I was desperate for this sleeping situation to be somehow fixed, so I called Sharon who’s number had been given to me by a friend, I had heard great things about Sharon, I knew it was a big job being three and being unsuccessful with Tresillian I didn’t get my hopes up that this time would be a huge change, but wow this lady is just absolutely amazing at what she does, and so loving. After Sharon spent two nights working her magic I now have 3 babies who go straight in there cot awake with no crying and put their self to sleep no more patting and cuddling and sleep through the night from 6:30 pm to 7 am plus nap through the day, Sharon also picked up that they had silent reflux. We now have dinner together as a family and more time to spend with the other kids, my husband and I can now have a date night knowing that we can arrange a babysitter because they are no longer such hard work to put to bed and they stay asleep. We can not thank Sharon enough for her help and amazing ongoing support after she left, she still after 4 months sends me a lovely message checking how we are all going. Such an amazing lady.

“Hopeless is the only word I can use to describe when I called Sharon asking for her help. After two residential stays at a mothercraft centre, and almost 2 years of being up half the night, I just felt like none of us could keep going. Timmy is our third child so it was hard trying to run around all day on no sleep.
Sharon’s confidence to her approach immediately gave me hope. She was able to begin me on a plan of action in the very first phone call. We live in a regional area and Sharon suggested working with us over the phone. From that point, Sharon was on the end of the phone whenever I needed her. If she hadn’t heard from me, she would call me to check in which showed us the commitment she has.
It took persistence and hard work on our part and Timmy’s but with Sharon’s continual confidence that things would improve, we kept going. Within 2 weeks, our gorgeous Timmy began to sleep through the night. He is so happy to go to bed that he waves and laughs when we put him down.
I don’t think you could put a price on the peace and sanity this has brought our family. Sharon is a Godsend!!”

“After months of being woken up between 4 and 6 times a night, when our baby girl was 8 months old, we decided to take action.
Sharon was recommended to us by our childcare centre. Sharon came and went through our routine with us, she helped us make some simple changes to Eva’s feeding/sleeping times and provided some other tips which had almost immediate results. Within a couple weeks we had our confidence back and Eva was not only sleeping better (11 hours most nights) but she became totally independent with solids and would feed herself anything from pasta to steamed veggies and chicken. She now eats anything you put in front of her as long as she can do it herself!
Sharon has given a level of normality back to our lives and we can’t thank her enough! Friends, family and even the childcare teachers have all commented on how much happier and more settled Eva is. Our only regret is not contacting Sharon sooner!”

It won’t happen overnight but it will happen” that’s what Sharon should have as her motto for Blissful Babies.
At about 5 months our son was so unhappy and so were we, he wasn’t sleeping and when we would it was only for 40mins before needing resettling, we were doing everything you shouldn’t do to get him to sleep, rocking, patting, nursing, strolling him to sleep, anything for peace, tiptoeing around the house so not to make any noise. I tried day stay at Tresillian and it just didn’t suit us and it didn’t change anything. A friend recommended Sharon, the rest is history:
Sharon came to the house showed us how to set a routine, I don’t want to say “set a routine” because that sounds too strict but it’s not. The routine is easy to follow, flexible and personalized for you and your family. The key to success with our son was consistency, and to this day 6 months down the track, if we are consistent with our routine Noah, is an angel. He doesn’t get nursed, feed, rocked or even a dummy to sleep. Noah now knows what to expect at all times during the day, when its sleep time, when its playtime.
Noah is now extremely happy and so are we.
There is now only one person I ask for advice and that’s Sharon.

Something had to be done!
We are new parents (Well sort of, as we have a 14-month-old) and we are expecting another in May. Our daughter is still waking; sometimes numerous times during the night. I needed HELP.
I needed someone to tell me what to do and guide me. Believe me, I have read books and watched programs but it’s just not the same. I was desperate so I rang the Blissful Babies number of a fridge magnet I was given and booked a consultation.
We are now about 4 weeks on and I am in a great routine. It wasn’t easy but it was well worth it. She’s happier, sleeps deeper, longer and better. So that means I get to sleep better too! A well-rested mummy is a happy mummy.
Thank you Sharon & Blissful Babies I’ll see you again when Violet’s born.

Evie was always a clingy baby, who refused to sleep anywhere but on our chest. We lived with it…. I was given so much conflicting advice, we ended up sleep-deprived and confused. We struggled through and finally got Evie sleeping on her own, which generally worked, but sometimes didn’t.
Then around 15 months, it became impossible. I don’t know why it took me so long to call Sharon, as she had been recommended by a friend. But then when it all got too much, I called, and Sharon was sympathetic and sensible.
She came to our house and had Evie into a structured sleep pattern in no time, and also gave advice on many things that I wasn’t sure about. It was such a relief. When, 6 months later, Evie fell out of her sleep pattern again, We called on Sharon and within hours of being here, she had everything sorted. The next newborn will be so much easier… only because I know when the going gets tough, we have someone we trust that I can call on for help.
Thank you, Sharon, for helping us all sleep, and getting our family back on track.

Our firstborn, Presley was diagnosed with reflux at 8 weeks old and the only way we could console him was to nurse him to sleep.
8 months later this turned into nursing him at every sleep time and the minute we would put him in the cot he would wake or he would not sleep any longer than a sleep cycle of 40-50 minutes. We would try to nurse him back to sleep, which in most cases he would not go back to sleep and he ended up extremely tired and fretful. I felt my whole days and nights were consumed by getting Presley to sleep.
I knew there had to be a better way, I did a search on the internet and found Blissful Babies and the rest is history. Sharon spent 5 hours in the comfort of our home demonstrating the new routine to assist Presley to become an independent sleeper. Presley was so attached to myself that he struggled to begin with, but I felt very comfortable and confident with Sharon and her reassuring feedback that Presley was reacting very normally.
Sharon allowed me to be hands-on and guided by my own motherly instinct as to Presley’s needs, I never felt out of control and most importantly Presley was never stressed. Within 4 days we had a little baby who was actually sleeping up to 3-4 hours a day and 11-12 hours at night and waking at a decent hour in the morning.
Over the next 2 weeks, we now have a little boy who goes to sleep within 5 minutes most importantly by himself, not with us as an aid and he wakes up full of smiles and is now even happier to play and amuse himself whilst I attend to household duties. Sharon also helped me refine my daily routine, assisted with breastfeeding concerns and how to introduce finger food with many exciting ideas.
During this time, Sharon was a constant positive, calm support who would answer my phone calls/ sms at any time, day or evening and would always have a solution that would not only make sense but also manageable. I believe without the wealth of knowledge and support Sharon provided I could not have been successful in achieving our goal.
This investment is one that we can now use for a lifetime and reap the benefits. Sharon, I would like to personally thank you for helping me get back my very valuable sleep.
I have now had 2 weeks’ worth of uninterrupted 8-9 hours’ sleep at night and I feel like a new person. Presley is a much happier baby and an absolute joy to be around.
Best wishes and kindest regards

Sharon & Jo and their wealth of knowledge have helped our son Finlay become a happy, relaxed and well-rested baby. They confirmed our suspicions that poor Finlay had reflux but also pinpointed a lactose sensitivity that was easily treated and has made a huge difference to Finn’s overall demeanor.
With his tummy feeling better they showed us how to settle Finlay into his cot which is working like a charm (we just lay him down, close the door and he happily goes to sleep without any fuss).
Before Blissful Babies, we rocked our baby to sleep in our arms, held him for hours, could not put him down in his cot to sleep and spent literally half of the day & night carrying him around.
We now have a relaxed, harmonious household and can spend our time & energy having fun with Finlay.
If we have any problems in the future I will not hesitate to call Blissful Babies and recommend them any
chance I get.

Being a second-time mum I know how important sleep and a good routine is for a baby. Our children are 12 months apart and with our firstborn Joanna she was not a great sleeper.
I had a hard time with her so I asked the nurses at the hospital if they knew of anyone that came to your house and could help with settling problems. That’s how we met Jo.
Our baby Peter was 3 months old and difficult to settle. Jo stayed around 5 hours with me, she was great. I found immediate results and a few days later I could not believe how perfect he was sleeping. By 4 months old he changed again but this time he would wake up at night, on the hour every hour. I tried so hard to settle him myself, nothing worked I was so frustrated so I rang Jo.
She was so patient, she listened to me she asked lots of questions and guided me to what I should do. Well, it worked again, easy. To this day I always ring Jo if I need advice or to check routine or to ask a silly question.
The best thing about meeting Jo is , besides being a lovely person, kind and professional is your talking to one person, a person that knows your house has met you and the kids you’re not talking to so many different people every time, I think it’s refreshing.
I would recommend Blissful Babies to anyone and I love for you to meet Jo.
Thanks, Jo, I appreciate your constant help and you always give me so much confidence.

I am so glad I found Blissful Babies. My son was diagnosed with Silent Reflux when he was almost 2 months old.
My son was unsettled, he cried a lot, was rarely happy and he had poor sleep, especially during the day. Sharon helped me with sleep and settling issues, reflux management and gave me other advice and information on caring for my first baby. Being a first-time mum I found myself anxious at times, I felt helpless, confused and overwhelmed when my son was having an unsettled period. I didn’t know if it was his reflux that was making him distressed and unsettled or if it was normal unsettled baby behaviour.
Sharon constantly gave me reassurance and practical advice. Sharon is a lovely person, patient and calm. I always felt I could ask her any question or discuss concerns I had with my baby, without any judgment or frustration from her. Sharon always answered my questions when I made contact; she never made me feel like I’ve asked a stupid or silly question.
I only wished that I had found Sharon earlier to support me with continuing to breastfeed my son. My son started fussing on the breast and did not feed well; he would often fight the breast due to the pain that’s causing him from silent reflux, so I reluctantly decided to eventually stop breastfeeding. By the time I met Sharon it was a little late; my son was already doing fine on the formula.
Sharon said she could help me with breastfeeding again and that it was possible to re-establish my milk supply, with hard work and commitment. By that stage I just wanted to close that chapter of my life, I was exhausted. I felt I had little support from people I knew, including health professionals with regard to breastfeeding and reflux. Someone even suggested to me that my baby might be allergic to my breast milk! My own family GP told me to stop breastfeeding and just put him on the formula; it was the GP’s quick fix solution to reflux issues. Sharon knew I felt a lot of guilt for stopping breastfeeding, she gave me reassurance which helped me move on. Sharon’s support gave me confidence in myself as a mum and the ability to be consistent with sleep and settling routine.
If I experience any difficulties with my next child, I’ll definitely consider contacting Sharon again.
Thanks Sharon for your hard work and commitment to helping women, parents and families to enjoy their babies.

My name is Kathy and I am the very proud mother of Matthew who is 8 months old.
I first met Sharon when Matthew was 2 weeks old and have been in regular contact since. I become a first time mum at 37 and have been a Primary Teacher for 15 years. As a teacher, I am confident and know what I am doing but suddenly I was thrown into the great unknown when I became a mum.
Sharon’s advice and encouragement have helped me enjoy this strange new experience called motherhood. When Matthew was born we quickly discovered he suffered silent reflux which made settling him after feeding very difficult.
He was a great feeder and I had plenty of milk to give him however after every feed he would cry for a couple of hours in pain. I was finding it very hard to cope.
I was feeling guilty that every time I breastfed him I was about to put him through such pain and suffering. Although I wanted to breastfeed Matthew for the benefits it would give him I was beginning to question if it was worth it and if formula was the better option for him. I spoke to Sharon about my concerns and it was the support I needed to realise that although he was unsettled after each feed he was still thriving and putting on plenty of weight. I went into the conversation dreading breastfeeding and came out of it feeling that all was going to be ok.
Once Matthew went on to the medication he was prescribed by the doctor the reflux was no longer an issue. I am truly thankful for the support Sharon has given me as Matthew is still thriving on breast milk. Not only has she helped me continue to breastfeed Matthew but she has helped me to have the confidence to breastfeed any other children I have in the future to me that support is invaluable.
I have attended a Sleep and settling workshop run by Sharon and the pointers she gave helped me to work out a very good night routine for Matthew. Sharon has also run a couple of workshops with my Mother’s Group on Starting Solids and Continuing Solids which really helped us make the scary transition to normal food.
Most of all I really appreciate Sharon’s easiness to talk to. She makes me feel that I can ask any question no matter how silly it may sound which is vital that as a new mum I can ask those questions without feeling like I lost all sensibility when I gave birth.
I do not hesitate for even a second when I recommend Sharon to other new mums and am forever grateful for the encouragement she has given me over the past 8 months.

We have been blessed with two most precious daughters. Our first daughter is 2.9 months and our second daughter is 7 months. The past 4 months our youngest daughter has struggled with silent reflux and after many sleepless nights and lots of contradicting information and advice our lives started to spiral out of control! …. we were then given Blissful Babies phone number and Sharon was at our house within 2 days.
We are so grateful to Sharon, who gave both my husband and me the reassurance, support and our confidence back (that we seemed to have lost along the way) that we needed. The fact that Blissful Babies comes to your home and sees the dynamics and your situation in your own environment is fantastic.
My toddler was not affected by having to be minded by someone else or worse be dragged along with me why I went somewhere external to get advice, which was great as she has had to be so patient already in the past few months while Mummy disappeared for hours trying to settle/feed etc.
I think sometimes the window of opportunity you have when you see your Doctor is such a short period of time (usually 20-30mins) and you can forget to discuss issues or you all get sidetracked, this does not happen with Blissful Babies as Sharon is with you for a period of time so you discuss everything as issues arise or in discussions throughout the day.
She also observes your existing techniques so she can see first-hand if improvements can be made or changes implemented. We cannot Thank you enough and I think it is even hard to find the words that describe how valuable your service is to Mum’s and Families. The support from Sharon has been amazing with the results being that our daughter has gone from waking every two hours throughout the night and having only 40 mins sleep in the day to only waking once in the night and having two long days sleeps ( anywhere between 1.5 -2 hours).
As a mother I can now function as I am also getting more sleep, my baby is also happier as she is also sleeping and is not refluxing as much, my Toddler loves all the extra time we now have to play, and my husband is happy to come home to a happy house instead of walking in the door after his day at work and not knowing what to expect….
Thank you Thank You Thank you ….. Sharon you are Wonderful.

Our newborn baby daughter was perfect for three months but then developed pyloric spasms and the associated feeding and sleeping disorders. Despite seeking multiple medical and nursing opinions in Singapore over a two month period, no one was able to resolve these problems and our daughter’s weight scarcely changed which was very stressful for us. In desperation, we sought help from Australia following a recommendation.
Your preliminary assessment over the phone followed by your 4-day visit was transformational. Firstly, our daughter immediately began feeding much better and put on weight. You were the only one to quickly identify and address the psychological issues associated with this condition. Second, your changes to her routine resulted in her sleeping through the night. Finally, your general awareness, helpful tips, unobtrusive style and warmth was hugely beneficial to our daughter and her stressed parents!
We cannot recommend Blissful Babes highly enough for general infant issues and are most appreciative that our child is now happy, healthy and thriving.

Our first child- a beautiful baby girl- was born in November 2007 and coming home from the hospital we felt excited but also a bit nervous. I was very motivated to be able to breastfeed my baby however this was certainly one of my biggest struggles as a new mum. Breastfeeding, therefore, was my main reason for seeking help from Sharon.
Sharon was so patient and encouraging and gave me fantastic practical support in being able to breastfeed my baby. She assisted with attachment and showed me the techniques for feeding my baby so that my baby and I were both comfortable.
Before Sharon’s help, I had started to think that I would never be able to master breastfeeding but I am now pleased to say that I am still breastfeeding my baby months on- and rather than struggling with it, am enjoying it immensely! Apart from working on breastfeeding, Sharon was also there to answer all manner of baby-related questions that popped into my head. Her mothercraft knowledge is so broad, that I ended up learning so much more from her than I would have imagined!
I learned how to respond to my little girl’s needs in the best possible ways. Sharon imparted knowledge about topics such as sleeping, routines, answered my questions about baby products, helped me with bathing- all things that were so helpful in allowing me to feel like a more capable parent for my little girl! The face to face time with Sharon was invaluable, as was the additional support that was offered in the way of email and phone follow up support.
Sharon is a very calm & patient person, which is exactly what you need when you are adjusting to being a parent. Thanks to Sharon, my confidence at being a new mum was able to grow and I am forever grateful for this.

After having already had one unsettled reflux baby, when my second baby arrived displaying similar symptoms I sort help immediately. I was concerned that as I live in Singapore it would be difficult to find an experienced Mothercraft nurse who was willing and able to travel.
Sharon responded to my email immediately and was on a plane within days! Sharon gave me the reassurance and confidence I needed to persevere when I thought that all my emotional energy had been spent going through the difficulties of settling my first child.
Her holistic and sensible approach provided solutions that focused not only on the baby, but on the baby within the context of the whole family.
After her departure, I cried as I knew that I was again a million miles away from help. However, Sharon called me almost every day to “check-in” and provided advice when I needed it and an ear to listen when I just needed to vent.
I now have a baby that actually wants to sleep and whose reflux is being managed.

I enlisted the help of Blissful Babies Services in September 2005. I had just given birth to a beautiful little boy, Lachlan Liam. Up until that point in my life, I was a very ambitious working woman!
When Lachlan was born, I found motherhood to be an enormous life changing experience. I went from managing one hundred adults to struggling to manage one precious little boy. This is when I sought the help of Sharon Vella. Sharon is the ultimate professional, her calming and caring nature and mothercraft ability helped me to learn breastfeeding, settling and creating the all-important stable routine for Lachlan.
Without the support of Sharon I would still be muddling through today.

We were lucky to be given a gift voucher by our friends at the birth of our first child to have the services of Sharon from Blissful Babies to attend our home for 1 full day.
Having owned our own business and managed many staff we thought we would have had the best training for what was to come HOWEVER….the introduction to parenthood was not so organised and easy… managing one child has been quite challenging (staff where easy!!).
We have found this service to be absolutely fantastic not just the face to face help but especially the backup email support. Sharon is calm and knows how to listen and also knows how to give advice – a very good teacher.
We feel like we better understand our little lady with the training which Sharon has given to us, we look forwards to employing Sharon’s services at the next stages of her development – it doesn’t matter what you do in life a great coach comes in handy and this is a wonderful coaching service.

Life with a small baby is certainly a wake-up call. There is no instruction booklet or set of rules to follow. As a professional woman nothing had prepared me for the trials and of course the joys of mothering. Sharon was there to instruct and guide me as well as instituting a routine for my beloved daughter that I believe still exists today 12 years later.
Sharon with her kind and thoughtful manner taught me how to cope & manage a small baby. Her mothercraft skills helped me enormously in getting through each day and gave me confidence in my own ability to care for my baby. I would highly recommend Sharon’s services to all busy mothers.

With the birth of our first child, it came as a bit of a shock when we got home from the hospital and our daughter no longer slept all day. We experienced difficulty in getting her to settle in her cot during the day and ended up nursing her all the time – which was exhausting.
We contacted Sharon at Blissful Babies and spent 2 sessions learning strategies and gaining confidence to parent our daughter in a manner that we were comfortable with.
We found Sharon to be most approachable, knowledgeable and professional. In following the strategies suggested to us by Sharon, we now have a mostly happy and content daughter.

I would recommend the services provided by Sharon to any new parent. I found the experience to be reassuring and educational. It has helped alleviate a lot of anxiety I had as a new Mum. Sharon provided me with clear ideas to bring some routine back into our lives and left material with me that I still refer to.
I feel much more confident and am really grateful to Sharon for her kind and patient guidance.

We would like to thank Sharon for her help with our little daughter. We spent weeks in shock with our newborn who wouldn’t sleep and cried a lot. We did not know what to do and life was becoming an exhausting struggle.
Sharon showed us how to teach our daughter to sleep and did so in the most pleasant, caring and motherly manner. Her advice was practical and hands on. The change in our daughter was quick – she became a happy child & remains so. We became happy & confident parents seeing such a positive change in our daughter. Sharon’s training was invaluable to us.

Thank you so much for your advice & words of encouragement. It’s been such a relief to be able to talk with someone so calm & reassuring.
You have had such a positive impact on our family Sharon; Simon & I really have appreciated your efforts. Sophie’s sleep is much improved & it gets better each day.
We’ve even had a couple of uninterrupted nights!